Hemp seeds contain large amount's of omega3 fatty acids
Yep, you got it right, just like those pain in the ass seeds that used to come in your bag of pot in the 1970's. Wikipedia says; Hemp is one of the earliest domesticated plants known. It has been cultivated by many civilizations for over 12,000 years. Never could I imagine that those seedy little devils were one of the highest complete plant protein sources on the planet. Every one knows hemp is used for rope, and clothing, but I found out that the Hemp plant is a even more versatile plant. It's fibers, core, seeds, and flowers can be used as raw materials to form products ranging from food to paper, and plastic substitutes to carpeting, to the interior and exterior of auto's. Also, Hemp is an Eco-friendly crop that rarely needs pesticide treatments for bugs, or herbicides for weeds. So Hemp Seed Consumers can be assured that hemp products are low in chemical residues.
Oil, seed, and fiber varieties of Cannabis approved for industrial hemp production have only minute amounts of THC (a psychoactive drug associated with marijuana) not enough for any physical or psychological effects. Typically, hemp contains below 0.3% THC, while cultivars of Cannabis grown for recreational or medicinal use can contain anywhere from 2% to over 20%. It's hemp the industrial plant, that provides seeds that we consume. Now these seeds are not just any food. They provide a range of nutrients, including proteins, and fats, that are beneficial to our health. Hemp seeds are so versatile, they can be eaten alone, toasted or not toasted, or added to a variety of foods. Hemp seeds can also be ground in your coffee grinder to make hemp protein for smoothies, and baking.
The hemp seed has the perfect ratio of Omega fatty acids required by the human body. Omega fatty acids are the key nutrients in reducing inflammation. They feed and rejuvenate the cells, help with new cell growth, and keep the cellular structure strong and pliant. Omega 3 fatty acids also improve the cell’s ability to use the nutrients that are ingested. Hemp is also rich in antioxidants, and oxidation is one of the key factors of cellular aging.
Doc's Nutrition Tip's Publishes Weekly. (mostly)
"Flex-Appeal" Personal Training Service, the publisher of Doc's Nutrition Tip's is Located In Dana Point, California. Our 20+ years of personal training experience also proudly serves the communities of, San Juan Capistrano, San Clemente, Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Hills, Aliso Viejo, and MissionViejo,Ca. We specialize in body sculpting, and adventure sport, balance, core, and endurance training.
Flex-Appeal is currently offering, for new customers, a 2 for 1 personal training special that allows you to get personally trained, and bring a spouse for FREE! Or split the first months cost with a friend !
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Doc Masters
Yep, you got it right, just like those pain in the ass seeds that used to come in your bag of pot in the 1970's. Wikipedia says; Hemp is one of the earliest domesticated plants known. It has been cultivated by many civilizations for over 12,000 years. Never could I imagine that those seedy little devils were one of the highest complete plant protein sources on the planet. Every one knows hemp is used for rope, and clothing, but I found out that the Hemp plant is a even more versatile plant. It's fibers, core, seeds, and flowers can be used as raw materials to form products ranging from food to paper, and plastic substitutes to carpeting, to the interior and exterior of auto's. Also, Hemp is an Eco-friendly crop that rarely needs pesticide treatments for bugs, or herbicides for weeds. So Hemp Seed Consumers can be assured that hemp products are low in chemical residues.

For the athlete, especially if you are a vegan, there is nothing better you can snack on than shelled hemp seeds. There is a vast and concentrated blast of amino acids in every serving of shelled hemp seeds, and these amino acids are vital towards developing new muscles, and repairing them. Since they are in the proper ratios, you get the most benefit from the proteins. To get the full benefits of hemp seed protein, the seeds should be as fresh as possible. Also, the seeds should come from organic hemp, ONLY. "Hemp seeds are high in vitamin E", says research Dr. Steven R. Gambert. He says "Vitamin E is important for many body functions, including heart and respiratory health, circulation and menstruation." It also is a free-radical scavenger and is purported to be an important nutrient in helping to ward off cancer.
A serving of hemp seeds contains about 3 mg. of vitamin E. The recommended dietary allowance, or RDA, is 15 mg. Hemp seeds can be eaten raw, ground into a meal, or sprouted if you like sprouts, there is hemp milk, or make tea with them. They are used in baking, or add them to your trail mix. Hemp seeds contain 174 calories per 3 tbsp. Approximately 44% of the weight of hemp seed is edible oils, containing about 80% essential fatty acids (EFA's). Hemp seed's amino acid profile is "complete" when compared to more common sources of proteins such as meat, milk, eggs, and soy. Hemp protein contains all 21 known amino acids, including the 9 essential ones adult bodies cannot produce. Proteins are considered complete when they contain all the essential amino acids in sufficient quantities and ratios to meet the body's needs. 3 tablespoons contains 11 grams of protein.
The proportions of linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid in one tablespoon (15 ml) per day of hemp oil easily provides human daily requirements for EFA's. Hemp seed also contains gamma linoleic acid, or GLA, which is hard to find in food but is necessary for the health of brain, muscle and cell membranes. GLA (gamma linolenic acid) helps our bodies form prostaglandins, potent hormone-like substances that help regulate many bodily processes, such as healthy blood flow, reduce inflammation, and the protection of arterial walls. Hemp helps to stimulate growth and health of the skin, hair and nails. GLA is also linked to decreased symptoms of PMS, arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome. GLA also helps lower bad LDL cholesterol and improve cholesterol ratio.
For you guys who are weak in the pencil, hemp seeds are particularly rich in the amino acid, Arginine. According to MayoClinic.com, Arginine is needed to make creatine, and that changes into nitric oxide in the body. As this transformation occurs, blood vessels become relaxed. So, arginine has been useful in combating a variety of conditions such as vascular headaches, erectile dysfunction, and coronary artery disease. Magnesium is also important in heart, and bone health. It helps to regulate our blood pressure, a serving of hemp seeds provides almost half the RDA of magnesium. hemp seeds also contain a significant amount of vitamins, A and D. Hemp seeds also contain vitamins C, B-6, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin.
Hemp seed can be cold-pressed for oil that is high in essential fatty acids and low in saturated fatty acids, and with zero trans-fatty acids. Hemp seed oil is best used cold or warm, but should not be boiled or used for frying. Use it in salad dressings, dips or spreads. Use it in conjunction with or in place of other oils, such as olive oil or coconu oil. Because of its ideal composition of essential fatty acids, hemp seed oil is also marketed in a capsule supplement form. After hemp seed has been crushed for its oil, it still contains 25 %protein; the left over hemp seed meal can be used as a nutritional supplement, and is even used to brew beer. Try a bottle this weekend with your friends, and don't be shy about adding hemp seeds to your diet. You'll be healthier for it. Good Luck...

For you guys who are weak in the pencil, hemp seeds are particularly rich in the amino acid, Arginine. According to MayoClinic.com, Arginine is needed to make creatine, and that changes into nitric oxide in the body. As this transformation occurs, blood vessels become relaxed. So, arginine has been useful in combating a variety of conditions such as vascular headaches, erectile dysfunction, and coronary artery disease. Magnesium is also important in heart, and bone health. It helps to regulate our blood pressure, a serving of hemp seeds provides almost half the RDA of magnesium. hemp seeds also contain a significant amount of vitamins, A and D. Hemp seeds also contain vitamins C, B-6, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin.
Hemp seed can be cold-pressed for oil that is high in essential fatty acids and low in saturated fatty acids, and with zero trans-fatty acids. Hemp seed oil is best used cold or warm, but should not be boiled or used for frying. Use it in salad dressings, dips or spreads. Use it in conjunction with or in place of other oils, such as olive oil or coconu oil. Because of its ideal composition of essential fatty acids, hemp seed oil is also marketed in a capsule supplement form. After hemp seed has been crushed for its oil, it still contains 25 %protein; the left over hemp seed meal can be used as a nutritional supplement, and is even used to brew beer. Try a bottle this weekend with your friends, and don't be shy about adding hemp seeds to your diet. You'll be healthier for it. Good Luck...
Doc's Nutrition Tip's Publishes Weekly. (mostly)
"Flex-Appeal" Personal Training Service, the publisher of Doc's Nutrition Tip's is Located In Dana Point, California. Our 20+ years of personal training experience also proudly serves the communities of, San Juan Capistrano, San Clemente, Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Hills, Aliso Viejo, and MissionViejo,Ca. We specialize in body sculpting, and adventure sport, balance, core, and endurance training.
Flex-Appeal is currently offering, for new customers, a 2 for 1 personal training special that allows you to get personally trained, and bring a spouse for FREE! Or split the first months cost with a friend !
Or you may be interested in trying a FREE introductory workout, or diet consultation. By Skype or in person!
Get off your butt, this offer will end soon!
Call - (949) 443-0133 for details of Orange County's premier personal trainer experience!
For the best Personal Fitness Training in Orange County, California:
Contact "Flex-Appeal", at flexappealdoc@yahoo.com
or (949) 443-0133 M-F 9am-4pm
Doc Masters
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